I only went to school on Monday. I seriously don't like school at all. I like learning new things. Just in a more independent environment if that makes sense
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Something happened with Sarah Hatter and it just killed me so she is out of my life. I had Carla aka IceRose92 purge my LJ of Hatter post and edit the ones there had other relavent things in them and delete my tags
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So much shit has gone down since last week. I didn't go to school Monday or today. My mom told me that her and my dad are most likely going to break up after I graduate. I don't see why. If they really don't want to be together anymore now, then break up now. My dad is going to rehab for 4 months. He wont be back until June I think
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So, my brother has been home for just about ten days. It's weird, it feels like he never left but then its painfully obvious. He's been driving everywhere and buying us shit but it doesn't mask the face that he's going to be gone for the rest the year and I'm going to be force to talk to people other than my parents and actually think about my
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Merry Christmas or Happy December 25 to those that don't celebrate. I hope everybody got what they wanted. I got some video games, the Princess Protection Program DVD, a pair of jeans and a hoodie, a new capo and stand for my guitars, some slipper boots, a guitar chord poster and some money. Me and mom are going to Concord Mills on Monday. This
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